To ensure that you receive the emails you’ve signed up for from us, you can add our sending domain to your contacts list or a "whitelist" (or list of trusted senders) within your email application or at your ISP. This means that when we send you an email it will automatically come into your inbox and not be flagged as Junk Mail. It also means you’ll see the pictures in our mails without having to do anything.
Different email applications work in different ways. Guides for whitelisting us for Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo! and Hotmail are below.
It's very easy to add the domain to your safe senders list with Outlook.
By default Microsoft Outlook also blocks images in HTML emails. You can add the domain to your Safe Sender List to automatically download images by following these steps.
If you find email from us in your Gmail spam folder, select the email and click the 'Not Spam' button. Then:
The popular free web mail application Hotmail also allows for Junk Mail filtering to help prevent high levels of SPAM reaching its users. To add the domain to your Hotmail account settings follow the instructions below:
Other web mail applications should have similar options to Hotmail. Check your web mail providers help documentation or contact them directly via email asking for assistance.
For more information on whitelisting or Safe Sender Lists please refer to your email application's help section or contact your ISP about whitelisting domains prior to delivery to your inbox.